Traditional Christmas Dinner

Traditional Christmas Dinner

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Thanksgiving dinner Wikipedia. Almost Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. The centerpiece of contemporary Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada is a large meal, generally centered on a large roasted turkey which is only enjoyed once per year. The majority of the dishes in the traditional American version of Thanksgiving dinner are made from foods native to the New World, as according to tradition the Pilgrims received these food from the Native Americans. According to what traditionally is known as The First Thanksgiving, the 1. Pilgrims and the Wampanoag at Plymouth Colony contained waterfowl, venison, fish, lobster, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, and squash. William Bradford noted that, besides waterfowl, there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many. Many of the foods that were included in the first feast except, notably, the seafood have since gone on to become staples of the modern Thanksgiving dinner. Traditional Christmas Dinner In America' title='Traditional Christmas Dinner In America' />Traditional Christmas Dinner In FranceEarly feasts of the Order of Good Cheer, a French Canadian predecessor to the modern Thanksgiving, featured a potluck dinner with freshly hunted fowl, game, and fish, hunted and shared by both French Canadians and local natives. The use of the turkey in the USA for Thanksgiving precedes Lincolns nationalization of the holiday in 1. Alexander Hamilton proclaimed that no Citizen of the United States should refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day, and many of the Founding Fathers particularly Benjamin Franklin had high regard for the wild turkey as an American icon, but turkey was uncommon as Thanksgiving fare until after 1. By 1. 85. 7, turkey had become part of the traditional dinner in New England. A Thanksgiving Day dinner served to the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1. French drip coffee, cigars and cigarettes. The White House Cook Book, 1. Mrs. F. L. Gillette, et al., had the following menu oysters on half shell, cream of chicken soup, fried smelts, sauce tartare, roast turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, baked squash, boiled onions, parsnipfritters, olives, chickensalad, venisonpastry, pumpkin pie, mince pie, Charlotte russe, almondice cream, lemon jelly, hickorynutcake, cheese, fruits and coffee. Turkey is the most common main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner, to the point where Thanksgiving is sometimes colloquially called Turkey Day. In 2. American turkey growers were expected to raise 2. Thanksgiving Christmas season, and a per capita consumption of almost 1. Prepare an elegant Christmas dinner with Victorian Christmas food from oysters to pate, from turkey to quail, with punch, fancy cakes and coffee. Victorian Christmas. Traditional English Recipes Christmas Food. For most English families, Christmas is a giant feast as well as a celebration, so there will be many traditional English. Tradition. Crackers are typically pulled at the Christmas dinner table or at parties. In one version of the cracker tradition, the person with the larger portion of. Traditional Christmas cookie recipes from Martha Stewart, including sugar cookies, spritz butter cookies, gingerbread cookies, pecan tassies, thumbprint cookies. The Broad Breasted White turkey is particularly bred for Thanksgiving dinner and similar large feasts its large size specimens can grow to over 4. Most Thanksgiving turkeys are stuffed with a bread based mixture and roasted. Sage is the traditional herb added to the stuffing, along with chopped celery, carrots, and onions. Food Timeline historic American Christmas dinner menus. ALTERNATES/s615/British-Christmas-dinner.jpg' alt='Traditional Christmas Dinners Around The World' title='Traditional Christmas Dinners Around The World' />Other ingredients, such as chopped chestnuts or other tree nuts, crumbled sausage or bacon, cranberries, raisins, or apples, may be added to stuffing. If this mixture is prepared outside the bird, it may be known as dressing. Deep fried turkey is rising in popularity due to its shorter preparation time, but carries safety risks. The consumption of turkey on Thanksgiving is so ingrained in American culture that each year since 1. National Turkey Federation has presented a live turkey to the President of the United States prior to each Thanksgiving. These turkeys were initially slaughtered and eaten for the Presidents Thanksgiving dinner since 1. Alternatives to turkeyeditNon traditional foods other than turkey are sometimes served as the main dish for a Thanksgiving dinner. Ham is often served alongside turkey in many non traditional households. Goose and duck, foods which were traditional European centerpieces of Christmas dinners before being displaced, are now sometimes served in place of the Thanksgiving turkey. Sometimes, fowl native to the region where the meal is taking place is used for example, an article in Texas Monthly magazine suggested quail as the main dish for a Texan Thanksgiving feast. John Madden, who appeared on television for the NFL Thanksgiving Day game from 1. In a few areas of the West Coast of the United States, Dungeness crab is common as an alternate main dish, as crab season starts in early November. Similarly, Thanksgiving falls within deer hunting season in the Northeastern United States, which encourages the use of venison as a centerpiece. Vegetarians or vegans may have a tofu, wheat gluten or lentil based substitute or stuffed squash. In Alaskan villages, whale meat is sometimes eaten. Irish immigrants have been known to have prime rib of beef as their centerpiece since beef in Ireland was once a rarity families would save up money for this dish to signify newfound prosperity and hope. In the United States, a globalist approach to Thanksgiving has become common with the impact of immigration. Basic Thanksgiving ingredients, or the intent of the holiday, can be transformed to a variety of dishes by using flavors, techniques, and traditions from their own cuisines. Others celebrate the holiday with a variety of dishes particularly when there is a crowd to be fed, guests tastes vary and considering the financial means available. A Thanksgiving meal in New England. Many offerings are typically served alongside the main dishso many that, because of the amount of food, the Thanksgiving meal is sometimes served midday or early afternoon to make time for all the eating, and preparation may begin at dawn or on days prior. Copious leftovers are also common following the meal proper. Traditional Thanksgiving foods are sometimes specific to the day, and although some of the foods might be seen at any semi formal meal in the United States, the meal often has something of a ritual or traditional quality. Many Americans would say it is incomplete without cranberry sauce, stuffing or dressing, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Other commonly served dishes include winter squash and sweet potatoes, the latter often prepared with sweeteners such as brown sugar, molasses, or marshmallows. Fresh, canned, or frozen corn is popular and green beans, often served as green bean casserole, are frequently served. A fresh salad may be included, especially on the West Coast. Bread rolls or biscuits and cornbread, especially in the South and parts of New England, are served. For dessert, various pies are usually served, particularly pumpkin pie, though apple pie, mincemeat pie, sweet potato pie, and pecan pie are often served as well. There are also regional differences as to the stuffing or dressing traditionally served with the turkey. The traditional version has bread cubes, sage, onion and celery. Southerners generally make their dressing from cornbread, while those in other parts of the country make stuffing from white, wheat or rye bread as the base. One or several of the following may be added to the dressingstuffing oysters, apples, chestnuts, raisins, and sausages or the turkeys giblets. Other dishes reflect the region or cultural background of those who have come together for the meal. For example, Sauerkraut among those in the Mid Atlantic especially Baltimore is sometimes served. Many African Americans and Southerners serve baked macaroni and cheese and collard greens, along with chitterlings and sweet potato pie, while some Italian Americans often have lasagne on the table and Ashkenazi. Jews may serve noodle kugel, a sweet dessert pudding. Other Jewish families may consume foods commonly associated with Hanukkah, such as latkes or a sufganiyah the two holidays are usually in close proximity and on extremely rare occasions overlap. It is not unheard of for Mexican Americans to serve their turkey with mole and roasted corn. Danish Christmas Dinner Pork roast. Danish Christmas Dinner. The Danish Christmas dinner is very much influenced by the fact that Danes love good food and the coziness we call that hygge of eating together with friends and family. The concept of hygge is best descriped as warm, fuzzy, cozy, comfortable feeling of well being. One of the most common combinations associated with the traditional Danish Christmas dinner is the Pork roast Roast Duck Ris ala Mande. However, roast goose or turkey is also served for Christmas in some families. Pork Roast. For the pork roast we either use the breast piece with the skin on it or pork neck with rind. With a very sharp knife you cut the skin through the layer of fat all the way to the meat, a cut for every third of an inch. Be careful not to cut into the meat. Spinkle the roast with salt and rub the salt into the cuts. Use a deep roasting pan preferably with a metal grid. Place the meat as even as possible on the grid. Turn on the oven to 3. F degrees and place the roast in the bottom part of the oven. After an hour and a half you check the roast with an oven thermometer. The roast is done when the inside temperature shows 1. F. Potatoes. The Christmas dinner comes with two types of potatoes as sides Peeled and boiled potatoes. Caramel potatoes. Caramel potatoes. For the caramel potatoes we use small potatoes, either canned and cooked potatoes or small fresh potatoes. If you use the canned potatoes, they need to be drained and dried very carefully on a cloth before frying. With fresh potatoes, you boilsteam the potatoes with the peel on them, let them cool off completely before peeling. In a deep frying pan you pour a layer of sugar. The layer has to be a third of an inch thick. Place the pan on the heat and let the sugar start melting. Be careful with the sugar, it burns easily As soon as the sugar is getting hot you add a table spoon full of butter and stir the mix. Add the potatoes and stir them frequently. Let them cook in the sugar until they are evenly coated and golden brown. Red cabbage. Another side for the Christmas dinner is the cooked red cabbage. Most of the time we buy the pre made cabbage and just heat it up, however, if you want to make your own home cooked cabbage, here is the recipe Procedure. Lightly fry the cabbage in the butter. Add the grated apple, vinegar and currant juice and heat up until boiling an let it boil slowly at low temperature for 4. Add sugar and salt to suit your taste. Roast duck. These days a lot of people are trying out new recipes for roast duck, like the French Duck a lOrange, but the traditional roasted Christmas duck here in Denmark is the big, country bred and fattened duck. Recipe. 1 duck at about 6 7 pounds. Saltwater. Procedure. Clean the duck inside and make sure all feathers and feather follicles are gone. Rub the inside of the duck with salt. In a litre of water you boil the wing tips, heart, liver, neck and gizzard to make the broth for the sauce. Peel the apples and cut them into boats or dice. Mix apple boats with the prunes and fill up the duck with the mix. Close the duck tight with meat needles. Rub it outside of the duck with salt and place it face down on a roasting pan preferably on a grid. Turn the oven on to 4. F and place the duck on the bottom shelf of the oven. When the oven has the right temperature and the duck starts to get a little color, pour about a litre of waterbroth into the pan, turn down the heat to 3. F and leave the duck roasting for 4. Turn the duck around and let it roast for another 4. Pour the waterbroth from the roasting pan through a strainer and leave it in a narrow bowl for a while. Skim the fat from the water. Save 3 table spoon full of fat for cooking the sauce. Cut up the roasted duck into pieces with a very sharp knife and serve. Sauce. 3 table spoon full of fat from the duck. Salt. Food color. Heat up the fat in a pot and add the flour. Stir till the mix is smooth and pour in broth. While stirring, heat up the sauce and add the milk til the sauce has the consistence, that you like. Add a bit of salt, the sour creme, sugar and food color if you have any. Christmas Dessert. Rice porridge is THE traditional Christmas food. In the old days it also served the purpose of keeping the local Christmas elves happy. It is common knowledge, that if you dont place a big bowl of rice porridge with a big lump of butter in the middle and a generous sprinkle of cinnamon for the elves in the attic, there is no telling what they might do to make your life miserable. Wild Mushroom Pasta. They will tease you, make things disappear or in any way make sure you know they are not pleased with you. In my house the Christmas cookies often disappear. Ris ala Mande. Ris ala Mande is really a delicious sophistication of the old traditional Rice porridge. The foundation is still a bowl of rice porridge, but for the Ris ala Mande, you add whipped creme and almonds. It is a VERY delicious dessert Recipe 4 5 servings2 cups of milk. WHOLE blanched and peeled almond. Procedure. Split the vanilla bean. Cook the milk, rice and vanilla bean at low heat simmering with the lid on for about 5. Remove the vanilla bean and let the porridge cool off. Stir in the sugar and the chopped almonds and let the porridge get cold. Whip the creme and gently stir it into the cold porridge. Ris ala Mande is usually served with hot or cold cherry sauce, and we still add the whole almond for someone to find and be the lucky winner of the. The Almond Present You can make it yourself, if you are a little bit creative or you can buy it all ready in the stores in many different shapes and sizes. This is also a very nice thing to do with your kids. Let them make a whole farm of marzipan animals Traditional Danish Christmas Cookies. Peberndder. In my family baking Peberndder is THE best Christmas activity It takes a whole afternoon, messes up the entire kitchen and sends a delightful Christmas scent throughout the entire house. Now THIS is what Christmas is ALL about Most Danish families have their own special recipe for Peberndder. There is a lot of tradition involved here. For some reason we always have to repeat the Pebernd baking day at least a couple of times through December. All the Peberndder seem to disappear Must be the elves. Ill share our families recipe with you here, and this recipe is more than 1. Ingredience 2. 2 pounds of flour. Ounces of sugar. 4. Ounces of margarine. Onces of pork lard. Whole milk. Procedure Mix flour, sugar and bakers ammonia in a bowl. Chop the margarine and lard into the mix it into the flour mix and make sure its mixed well. Its easiest to use your hands for this Stir the bakers ammonia into the milk and add the mix to the flour mix and knead the dough until firm and even. Cut the dough into smaller portions and roll each portion to little finger thick strips. Cut up the strips into small pieces half an inch long and roll each piece into a ball. Place the dough balls on a baking sheet. Bake in oven at 4. F for 1. 0 minutes baking time depending on the size of the dough balls. 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Traditional Christmas Dinner
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