What Ingredients

What Ingredients

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GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart were accused of selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and told by New York State officials to. Tulumba. com has been in business since 2003 shipping international goods worldwide. We offer food, books, music, videos, home decoration, accessories, jewelries, team. These 15 potentially dangerous supplement ingredients can cause health problems including organ damage, cancer, and cardiac arrest. List the drink recipes and ingredients by name or type. Makes it easy to find the cocktails or mixed drinks you are looking for. Search for Drinks. Supercook is a recipe search engine that lets you search by ingredients you have at home. Find thousands of recipes you can make right now with the ingredients you. What Ingredients Are In Beer' title='What Ingredients Are In Beer' />What Ingredients In Ed Shake RecipeWhat Ingredients Contain GlutenIngredients Derived From Corn What to Avoid. When you first learn of having a Corn Allergy, it doesnt seem like it will be that difficult to manage. You know to avoid corn, corn syrup, and popcorn. It seems pretty simple actually. As it turns out, there are a few hundred ingredients that fall under the classification is, or can be, derived from corn. This information is not to scare you, but to help you be an informed consumer, and hopefully help you avoid those pesky corn based ingredients. Lets review the usual suspects Ascorbic Acid Vitamin CBaking Powder corn starchBrown Sugar look for use of Caramel color. Dominos Brown sugar no longer uses Caramel color. Calcium Citrate the calcium salt of citric acid. See Citrate below for details. Caramel coloring used in soft drinks, derived from corn or cane sugar. The or in Coca Colas explanation refers to a temporary change to make the ingredients Kosher for Passover. The rest of the year, it is from corn. Cellulose, Vegetable, Powered, etc. Citrate can refer either to the conjugate base of citric acid, or to the esters of citric acid. An example of the former, a salt is trisodium citrate an ester is triethyl citrate. Forms of Citrate include Calcium. Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Citrate, and more. Citric Acid the source sugar is corn steep liquor along with hydrolyzed corn starch. Corn. Corn Meal items baked sitting on Corn Meal such as Bagels, Breads or Pizza, may not list Corn Meal as an ingredient. Corn Starch in most over the counter medicines that come in a dry pill form. Yes, this includes Benedryl too. Watch for Corn Syrup in the liquid forms. Corn Syrup. Decyl Glucoside used in personal care products such as shampoo. It is produced by the reaction of glucose from corn starch with the fatty alcohol decanol which is derived from coconut. Dextrin, Maltodextrin thickening agents found in sauces check those frozen veggies salad dressings, and ice cream. Dextrose glucose corn sugar, found in cookies, ice cream, and paired with glucose in hospital IVs unless specified not toCan also be used as a carrier with anesthetic shots such as Lidocaine and Novocaine Dextrose is also injected into meat, lunch meats and deli cuts. Be weary of honey baked items, the sweet flavor may not be from honey. Ethanol made by fermenting sugars produced from corn starch. Ferrous Gluconate i. Flavoring Artificial or Natural Flavors as defined by the FDA regulations of labeling of spices, flavorings, and colorings. Golden Syrup Sometimes recommended as an alternate to Corn Syrup, but it may contain Corn Syrup as well. Honey May contain corn syrup, as HFCS is sometimes fed to bees, resulting in corn in the honey produced. Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein HVPIodized Salt Mortons FAQ explains why they add Dextrose corn to their salt. Lactic Acid Commercially, lactic acid can be made synthetically from chemicals or organically as a byproduct of corn fermentation. Lauryl Glucoside is a surfactant used in cosmetics. It is a glycoside produced from glucose and lauryl alcohol. Magnesium Citrate Magnesium salt of citric acid. Magnesium Stearate. Malic Acid. Malt. Malt Flavoring Maltitol also known as Maltisorb and Maltisweet Commercially, maltitol is a disaccharide produced by Corn Products Specialty Ingredients formerly SPI Polyols, Cargill, Roquette, and Towa, among other companies. Maltitol is made by hydrogenation of maltose obtained from starch. Maltodextrin. Maltose. Mannitol A naturally occurring alcohol that is often combined with corn derived sugars. Here is the link on USDAs website explaining this practice. Methyl Gluceth an emollient used in cosmetics manufactured from corn sugar and corn starch. Modified Food Starch. Monosodium Glutamate MSG The MSGMyth site explains MSG is made from corn. Polydextrose is synthesized from dextrose, and contains sorbitol and citric acid. It is a food ingredient classified as soluble fiber and is frequently used to increase the non dietary fiber content of food, replace sugar, reduce calories and reduce fat content. Note Dextrose, Sorbitol, and Citric Acid are all on this list of ingredients derived from corn. Polylactic AcidPLA Plastic made from corn starch U. S. or sugarcane. Polysorbates i. Polysorbate 8. 0 Polysorbates are oily liquids derived from PEG ylated sorbitan a derivative of sorbitol esterified with fatty acids. Potassium Citrate See Citrate above for details. Powdered Sugar contains corn starch. Saccharin in powder form IS SweetN Low and therefore contains Dextrose. Sodium Citrate See Citrate above for details. Sodium Erythorbate is produced from sugars derived from sources such as beets, sugar cane and corn. It is a food additive used predominantly in meats, poultry, and soft drinks. Sodium Starch Glycolate is the sodium salt of a carboxymethyl ether of starch. It can be derived from any starch source rice, corn, potatoes, etc. Sorbitan is a mixture of chemical compounds derived from the dehydration of sorbitol. Sorbitan Monostearate an ester of sorbitol and stearic acid. You will see this ingredient used in Yeast and possibly other places as well. Sorbitol You will find Sorbitol in Sugar Free items such as candy, chewing gum, cosmetics, mouth wash, and toothpaste. Starch often this is corn starch unless it specifies something else, like potato starch. Sucralose Sucralose by itself may be corn free, though it is likely one best to avoid. Repackaged as the brand Splenda, it will contain dextrose andor maltodextrin. SweetN Low contains Dextrose, and according to SweetN Low, ALL sugar substitutes in powder form contain Dextrose. Tocopherol Vitamin EVanilla Extract most brands will have corn syrup, though you can find organic brands that do not, though the alcohol may be corn derived. Vinegar, Distilled White can be made from any sugar, but the most common method is to use corn that has been converted from starch into sugar. Vitamins Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid and Vitamin E Tocopherols. Use caution with products that are enriched with added vitamins. The vitamins may be corn derived, or corn derivatives may be used in the binding if solid or suspension if liquid of the vitamin compound. Xanthan Gum a food additive that is used as a thickening agent. It is found in sauces, spices, and commonly in Gluten Free foods. Xanthan Gum is most often grown on corn, or corn sugars. If an item includes Xanthan Gum and states it is corn free, call the manufacturing company and inquire as to the source of Xanthan Gum to be sure. Xylitol You will find Xylitol in Sugar Free items such as candy, chewing gum, cosmetics, mouth wash, and toothpaste. Zein used in time release medications, derived from Maize. This list is not all inclusive of ingredients to avoid. Tip offs can be the generic use of ingredients without specifying their nature, for example natural flavor, vegetable which vegetable, starch which starch, syrup, and so on. Update 61. 61. 0 This page now has its own Tiny URL so you can easily pass it along, or remember how to find it. Here is the shortcut URL http go. Sources Jenny Connors Corn Allergen List, Ephraim Vishniacs list of Corn derived ingredients to avoid, and Wikipedia. Women Beware Most Feminine Hygiene Products Contain Toxic Ingredients. The issue of safe feminine hygiene product options is rarely discussed, but its a vitally important topic for roughly a third of the population. Why Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and also the thinnest. Less than one tenth of an inch separates your body from potential toxins. Worse yet, your skin is highly permeable especially the skin in and around the vaginal area. Anything coming in constant contact with your skin will land in your bloodstream for distribution throughout your body. How To Keep Fire Burning In Fireplace. This is why Im so fond of saying Dont put anything on your body that you wouldnt eat if you had to. Chemicals on your skin may be worse than eating them. At least enzymes in your saliva and stomach help break down and flush chemicals from your body. But when they touch your skin, theyre absorbed straight into your bloodstream, going directly to your delicate organs. Once in your body, they can accumulate because you typically lack the necessary enzymes to break them down. In my opinion, feminine hygiene products can be likened to a ticking time bomb due to years of exposure. The average American woman uses 1. And thats just tampons. Many women use different types of sanitary pads, alone or with tampons, and theres also nursing pads. Whats Really in Those Sanitary Pads and Tampons In the featured article, Andrea Donsky, founder of Naturally Savvy and co author of Label Lessons Your Guide to a Healthy Shopping Cart, reveals how little were told about the materials in feminine products. In fact, tampon and sanitary pad manufacturers arent required to disclose ingredients because feminine hygiene products are considered medical devices. When Andrea called Procter Gamble directly to discover the contents in their Always Infinity pads, the service reps could only mention two foam and a patented ingredient called Infinicel a highly absorbent material able to hold up to 1. This video demonstrates what happens when an organic vs. The 1. 00 percent organic cotton pad, made by Natracare, burns slow and clean, leaving virtually no sooty residue. But the Always Infinity pad with its mostly undisclosed ingredients creates black smoke and thick residue, indicating the pad may contain dioxins, synthetic fibers and petrochemical additives. In fact, conventional sanitary pads can contain the equivalent of about four plastic bags With everything we now know about the hazardous nature of plastic chemicals, this alone is cause for concern. For example, plasticizing chemicals like BPA and BPS disrupt embryonic development. Theyre linked to heart disease and cancer. Phthalates, which give paper tampon applicators a smooth finish, are known to disregulate gene expression, and DEHP may lead to multiple organ damage. Synthetics and plastic restrict air flow and trap heat and dampness, potentially promoting yeast and bacteria growth in your vaginal area. Besides crude oil plastics, conventional sanitary pads can also contain other potentially hazardous ingredients, such as odor neutralizers and fragrances. The Price You Pay for Clean White Tampons and Pads. How do tampons and pads get that ultra white clean look Usually chlorine bleach, which can create toxic dioxin and other disinfection by products DBPs such as trihalomethane. Studies show dioxin collects in your fatty tissues. According to an EPA draft report, dioxin is a serious public health threat that has no safe level of exposure Published reports show that even trace dioxin levels may be linked to Abnormal tissue growth in the abdomen and reproductive organs Abnormal cell growth throughout the body Immune system suppression Hormonal and endocrine system disruption Meanwhile, the FDAs official stance is that no expected health risks are associated with trace amounts of dioxins in tampons. Naturally Savvy notes that 1. House Representative Carolyn Maloney introduced legislation requiring research into the potential health risks of feminine hygiene product use, including cervical, ovary and breast cancers and endometriosis. Unfortunately, the legislation failed to pass, and it doesnt appear theres been any research. Could You Be Absorbing GMOs Via Your Tampons Numerous alarm bells went off for Andrea as she researched potential hazards of feminine products for her book, Label Lessons, such as Conventional tampons contain pesticides A whopping 2 billion is spent annually on pesticides to spray cotton crops. Conventional tampons probably contain genetically modified organisms GMOs. According the USDA, 9. U. S. cotton is genetically engineered. Tampons and pads with odor neutralizers and artificial fragrances are virtually a chemical soup, laced with artificial colors, polyester, adhesives, polyethylene PET, polypropylene and propylene glycol PEG, contaminants linked to hormone disruption, cancer, birth defects, dryness and infertility. Andrea wondered whether if using a GMO tampon several times every month was any different than ingesting GMO food. But it may even be worse, considering the vaginal wall is highly permeable, allowing toxins like pesticide residue and GMO proteins direct access into the bloodstream. Beware of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Remember Tampons create a favorable environment for bacteria growth. Micro tears in the vaginal wall from tampons allow bacteria to accumulate. One infamous risk is Toxic Shock Syndrome TSS, caused either by poisonous toxins from Staphylococcus aureus staph or group A streptococcus strep bacteria. TSS is a life threatening condition, so symptom recognition is crucial. Should any of the following symptoms occur during your tampon use, seek medical help immediately Sudden high fever Vomiting Diarrhea Low blood pressure Seizures Rash on palms or soles of feet Muscle aches Redness of your eyes, mouth andor throat. To minimize your risk of this potentially life threatening condition Avoid super absorbent tampons choose the lowest absorbency rate to handle your flow. Never leave a tampon inserted overnight use overnight pads instead. When inserting a tampon, be extremely careful not to scratch your vaginal lining avoid plastic applicators. Alternate the use of tampons with sanitary napkins or mini pads during your period. Change tampons at least every 4 6 hours. Do not use a tampon between periods. Safer Alternatives. Many of todays feminine hygiene products contain rayon, vicose, and cellulose wood fluff pulp. Rayon and viscose present a potential danger because of their highly absorbent fibers, which can stick to your vaginal wall. Upon removal, the loosened fibers stay behind, raising your TSS risk. Fortunately, there are safer alternatives. Since the FDA regulates tampon absorbency, all tampons on the market must meet absorption guidelines. According to Dr. Philip Tierno, a clinical professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU Medical Center, 1. TSS toxins. Based on her own research, Andrea recommends the following brands of tampons and sanitary pads. Natracare Diva Cup Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Organic Cotton Tampons Glad Rags Organic Pads Organyc 1. Organic Cotton Tampons Ive also created an exclusive line of organic cotton feminine hygiene products, which you can find in my online store. For more by Dr. Joseph Mercola, click here. For more on personal health, click here.

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