How to Season a Steak 1. Steps with PicturesAllow good meat to speak for itself. Great tasting cuts of steak dont need fancy seasonings or marinades to taste good. In fact, great tasting cuts of steak probably taste worse off after a complex bath of herbs, aromatics, and spices. If youre frying a nice T bone or porterhouse, or grilling a filet mignon, stick with nice and simple for best results. Best Seasoning For Steak RecipesLooking for the best BBQ Rubs and Seasonings for sale in Texas Our Award Winning BBQ Rubs are preferred by competition barbecue teams and back yard cooks. I first knew flank steak by its local New England name of sirloin tip. Go to any old school dive or tavern with a menu, and youre bound to run into them, cut into. Seasoning a steak doesnt require you to burn up any brain cells. All you need is a generous amount of Kosher salt and some freshly ground black pepper. How Montreal became the king of spice blends is anyones guess, but spice maker McCormick has been selling these blends for years. Sure, you love steak and know all the best steakhouses, but are you a true connoisseur We spoke with New York Citys Old Homestead Steakhouse team. Youve probably made steak fajitas with storebought fajitas seasoning a million times before. Slow Cooker Chicken Enchiladas. But im kind of reinventing this a little because my recipe is less.