Grainfographic_GrainstoWaterRatio1.jpg' alt='Brown Rice Ratio To Water' title='Brown Rice Ratio To Water' />Brown Rice RatiosBrown Rice Ratio Water To RiceBrown Rice or White Rice Which is Healthier You Might Be SurprisedAlright. Instant-Pot-Brown-Rice-4-copy.jpg' alt='Brown Rice Ratio To Water In Rice Cooker' title='Brown Rice Ratio To Water In Rice Cooker' />Yep, Sally does advocate for soaked brown rice in Nourishing Traditions. I get it, I mean, NT is all about whole, traditional foods, and white rice is a more modern. The picture doesnt look anything like the recipe, which calls for 1 inch cubes of vegetables and has a higher vegetable to rice ratio than pictured. A simple method to make perfect brown rice, every single time Forget mushy, sticky, or undercooked brown riceyour brown rice troubles are now over Follow these steps from chefs to get perfect, fluffy brown rice every time, so you can enjoy all the fiber and minerals it has to offer. Im just gonna come right out and say it. Theres Nothing Wrong with White Rice. Thats right. You heard me. I LOVE WHITE RICE. And I eat it all the time. Im getting pretty sick of people lumping together white rice in the same category as other refined carbs such as that oh so scary white flour and sugar on which people blame every single disease and disorder known to man. In Hawaii, where I was living up until recently, the standard local diet is commonly labeled as being very unhealthy, in large part due to the huge amount of white rice consumed. You put rice on your plate with every meal. Even breakfast. Eggs with spam oh but its surely those two scoops of sticky rice on the side thats to blame Eye. Roll. Cut out those refined carbs Like white rice and bread they say. Well I say, think again, healthy diet dogma spreaders. Thats nothing but a bunch of dogma dog poo. Rice is delightful. Its healthful, its nutritious, its a great source of energy. And if you ask me, white rice is the most delightful of all. As much as that makes me sound like some sort of weirdo rice racist, I promise you, I can explain. White Rice vs Brown Rice. Are you convinced that brown rice truly is superior to whiteLets look at the differences. Brown rice is brown because its got the bran on it. White rice is just rice with the bran and germ removed. The germ is extremely susceptible to rancidity, which is bad because of the very high content of polyunsaturated fat it contains, which is easily oxidized, and leads to all sorts of problematic reactions in the body. Great. Leave it out, then. The bran is good for pretty much nothing but fiber. But, you know what Oh, man brace yourselves Major violation of politically correct nutrition advice, coming your wayFIBER IS NOT GODS GREATEST GIFT TO NUTRIENT KIND. Many people eat way, way too much fiber, which can lead to serious digestive disorders, and even colon cancer. Read Fiber Menace for more information on that. Im not saying we should be afraid of it, but if youre finding the need to intentionally force yourself to eat more of it, like in fibery brown rice, theres a bigger issue youre not dealing with. So, everyone choking down their Fiber One cereals and psyllium husks really arent doing themselves any favors at all. And the only reason theyre constipated is because their metabolism sucksWhich you can fix Healthy people dont need tons of fiber, and they generally dont need to go out of their way looking for it. Fiber. Check. Dont need it. What else is thereOh, alright, fine. There are some nutrients in rice bran. Some B vitamins, some minerals, amino acids, blah, blah yes, most naturally occurring foods have nutrients. And along with those nutrients, quite a lot of anti nutrients are all up in your brown rice bran, tooStop the Hate Brown Rice Really isnt All That Great. SURPRISE I steal MINERALS from you Bwah, ha, hahh. Yeah, so, that other thing that the rice bran has to bestow upon our righteously healthy whole grain eating selves Phytic acid Yes. The primary anti nutrient we traditional foodies work so hard to negate by soaking, sprouting, or fermenting our grains. Rice bran is very high in phytic acid, which binds to minerals in your body and leaches them out of you. Whats that you say Just soak the rice, as you would traditionally prepare other whole grains, and the phytic acid will be neutralized Not according to one of the biggest phytic acid haters of all time and one of the most knowledgable experts on the subject, author of Cure Tooth Decay, Ramiel Nagel. He says that soaking brown rice does very little to neutralize it, and that before we had machines to make white rice, traditional people used to pound the rice up with a mortar and pestle and then sift out the bran, making the available minerals more absorbable since the phytic acid in the bran is removed. Smart So, lets recap. The phytic acid in rice lives in the bran. White rice doesnt have it. The only other thing the bran is good for is fiber, which you really probably dont need, and can harm you when eaten in excess. And the germ is filled with easily oxidized PUFA oils. Also not present in white rice. Starting to see where Im coming from with my love for this much maligned processed grain White Rice Nutrition Starch is Super. So, what are we left with when we take away the oily, rancid germ and the mineral depleting phytic acid from our little friend, the grain of rice The endosperm. Which is essentially pure starch. Sadly, this has become somewhat of a dirty word in the world of nutrition. Pre Cooked Shrimp Recipes. People who advocate low carb and so called ancestral diets often like to say that starch is toxic because it breaks down into glucose, which raises insulin, which can cause problems like insulin resistance. Heres the thing, though, about our bodies. We run on glucose. Its our primary fuel source, and we need it. And glucose from carbohydrates like starch doesnt actually cause insulin resistance at all. In fact, its a huge part of the diet of many, many healthy traditional cultures. There are literally billionsof people eating high starch diets worldwide, and you can find many examples of cultures that consume a large percentage of calories from starch where obesity, metabolic problems and modern, inflammatory disease are rare or nonexistent. These include the Kitava in the Pacific Islands, Tukisenta in the Papa New Guinea Highlands and Okinawans in Japan among others. The Kitavan diet is 6. The Okinawan diet is even more carb heavy, at 8. The Tukisenta diet is astonishingly high in carbohydrate 9. All of these cultures are fit and lean with low and practically non existent rates of heart disease and other modern chronic disease. Chris Kresser, L. Ac Chris. Kresser. Dont get me wrong Im not advocating low fat or 9. Chris. Its just important that we understand that starch is a nutrient in its own right, eating lots of it can be congruent with health and leanness, and it doesnt have to be eaten only in moderation. White rice is an excellent source of healthful starch and supplies the body with needed glucose. Oh and also Getting plenty of glucose flowing into your body is a hugely important part of fixing a slow metabolism. My mother, whos been using Diet Recovery to raise her body temperatures, heal hypothyroidism, and improve her metabolism, says that nothing gets her temperature rising literally quite like white rice. A scoop or two of the stuff and shes one burnin hot mama. Im not surprised. Its a great source of quick, easily digestible glucose. White rice to the metabolic rescue So Which Rice is BestSome types of rice are actually more nutritious than others. In general, its better to go with the long grain varieties of white rice. Long grain varieties are supposed to be nutritionally superior to plainer, short grain types of rice. Really though, the differences probably arent huge. Its all basically the same thing starch. Long grain basmati and jasmine are the tastiest to me, so thats what I usually eat, but Im all for some sticky sweet rice now and again, too. And I guess, along the same lines, if you genuinely, honestly prefer brown rice to white, eat that. But I mean, really be honest with yourself. Does it taste better to you because you think its better for you Kinda like how some people think veggie burgers are delicious I mean, come on. Have you tried grass finished ground sirloin You just cannot honestly tell me that you prefer genetically modified textured vegetable protein over that. Im sorry. Anyway. Dont drink the Haterade of the anti white rice crowd. Eat the rice you want to eat. Put plenty of butter on it itll help you absorb more nutrients, and enjoy. Do you eat white rice Why or why notphoto credit 1, 2disclosure cmp. Calories in Long Grain Brown Rice, cooked.