PreventioneditWater intoxication can be prevented if a persons intake of water does not grossly exceed their losses. Healthy kidneys are able to excrete approximately 8. However, stress from prolonged physical exertion, as well as disease states, can greatly reduce this amount. TreatmenteditMild intoxication may remain asymptomatic and require only fluid restriction. In more severe cases, treatment consists of Notable casesedit1. Andy Warhol Five years after his death, Warhols family publicly accused the hospital where he had his gallbladder removed of causing his death by water intoxication administered post operatively. A claimed autopsy weight of 1. October 2. 4, 1. 99. Anna Wood, a 1. 5 year old Australian schoolgirl died from the effects of water intoxication secondary to use of MDMA commonly known as Ecstasy. November 1. 6, 1. Leah Betts, an English schoolgirl, died as the result of drinking too much water, though in the media her death was initially attributed to taking an ecstasy tablet at her 1. British actor Anthony Andrews survived a case of water intoxication. He was performing as Henry Higgins in a revival of the musical My Fair Lady at the time, and consumed up to eight litres of water a day. He was unconscious and in intensive care for three days. January 1. 2, 2. 00. Jennifer Strange died after drinking what is believed to be 7. Nintendo Wii. The KDND radio station morning show, the Morning Rave, held an on air contest entitled Hold Your Wee for a Wii, in which contestants were asked to drink as much water as they could without urinating. KDND was subsequently ordered to pay 1. Jennifers family. Jasmine Rice Ratio there. See alsoeditReferenceseditNoakes TD, Speedy DB July 2. Case proven exercise associated hyponatraemia is due to overdrinking. So why did it take 2. British Journal of Sports Medicine. PMC 2. 56. 42. 96 . PMID 1. 67. 99. 10. Farrell DJ, Bower L Oct 2. Fatal water intoxication. Journal of Clinical Pathology. PMC 1. 77. 00. 67 . Section 1. 1 Toxicological Information for the LD5. Water Intoxication in Infants. Retrieved 3. 1 August 2. Almond CS, Shin AY, Fortescue EB, et al. April 2. 00. 5. Hyponatremia among runners in the Boston Marathon. The New England Journal of Medicine. PMID 1. 58. 29. 53. NEJMoa. 04. 39. 01. Timbrell, John 2. The Poison Paradox Chemicals as Friends and Foes. OUP Oxford. ISBN 9. Zerbe, Robert L. Robertson, Gary L.