Deep South Dish Homemade Chili Sauce. I was already nearly done with stacking groceries on the belt at the grocery store, when I remembered that a couple of recipes that I wanted to make use bottled chili sauce. Doesnt that always happenHow to Make Homemade Spaghetti Sauce. Canned or bottled spaghetti sauce usually tastes okay, but few compare to the zingy taste of fresh, homemade sauce. How to make homemade tomato sauce is fully illustrated, with complete, simple recipe and directions. Anyone with a pressure canner can use this to make and can tomato. How To Cook Hunts Tomato Sauce' title='How To Cook Hunts Tomato Sauce' />A quick glance near the checkout told me it wasnt gonna be close enough at hand to just do a run and grab, so rather than having to get back in a line for a couple of items and probably finding another handful of things I really didnt need along the way, I decided Id just go home and try to make up my own homemade version. You may have noticed that I like using chili sauce in just a few recipes. Also known as Pomodoro, this tomato marinara sauce made with San Marzano tomato sauce elevates traditional Spaghetti sauce times a million. Target/13373412?wid=520&hei=520&fmt=pjpeg' alt='How To Cook Hunts Tomato Sauce' title='How To Cook Hunts Tomato Sauce' />Really, its a great substitute in many recipes where you would normally use a little ketchup. Now. just to clarify, chili sauce is not what you think of when you think of the word chili. There are also no beans involved in chili sauce such as with a product called chili beans, and its also not the same as the red sauce that we use in some Tex Mex dishes, such as red enchiladas. Its really a tomato based condiment, somewhat like a dressed up ketchup I guess. Now. I personally love the flavor of Heinz chili sauce, dont get me wrong. Ive used it for years, Ill certainly continue to use it and itll always be a handy go to, but if you find yourself with a recipe that calls for it and youre in a bind and without, this sauce can be made up quickly, right from pantry ingredients you probably already have on hand. I keep dollops of tomato paste in my freezer and thats perfect for using here, so if you dont already follow that tip, when you open up a can of tomato paste, youll know what to do with the leftovers Heres how to make my homemade chili sauce. Recipe Homemade Chili SauceFrom the Kitchen of Deep South Dish Prep time 5 min Yield About 1 14 cup. Ingredients. 8 ounce can of tomato sauce. Juice of 12 of a fresh lemon. Couple dashes of Worcestershire sauce. Instructions. Whisk ingredients together until thoroughly mixed. Refrigerate several hours before using. Source http deepsouthdish. Requires Adobe Reader download it freeDeep South Dish Are you on Facebook If you havent already, come and join the party We have a lot of fun theres always room for one more at the table. Check These Recipes Out Too Yall Lazy Mans Ket. Mayo Sauce Fry SauceEasy Basic Cocktail Sauce. Sweet Spicy Meatloaf Glaze. Posted by Mary on May 1. Elsa Cake. Images and Full Post Content including Recipe Deep South Dish. Pinning and sharing links is welcomed and encouraged, but please do not repost or republish elsewhere such as other Facebook pages, blogs, websites, or forums without explicit prior permission. All rights reserved. Material Disclosure Unless otherwise noted, you should assume that post links to the providers of goods and services mentioned, establish an affiliate relationship andor other material connection and that I may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You are never under any obligation to purchase anything when using my recipes and you should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.