Ways to Make Maple Syrup. Purchase taps. These are also known as spiles. Online is the easiest place to buy taps. Most taps are the same, but the collection containers differ quite a bit. Crescent Rolls Appetizers more. Determine what style of collection container you will use a bag, an attached bucket, a ground bucket, or a tube network usually used by advanced syrup makers. If you dont feel like buying a bucket, a clean milk jug will work fine. Avoid buying and installing a tube network if you havent tapped before. How To Make Simple Syrup What is Simple Syrup It is just sugar and water boiled together. This liquid substance has all the same sweetness of granulated. How to Make Maple Syrup. Sugaring, the art of making maple syrup, has been practiced for thousands of years. Many report that once youve done it once, youll want to. To recap, heres how to make a basic onetoone simple syrup, with one cup of water and one cup of sugar 1. Combine the water and sugar in a medium saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil and let the sugar dissolve. You dont have to stir, but it will help the sugar dissolve faster. How To Make Syrupy Balsamic VinegarA friend of mine recently called me from the grocery store as she was standing in the cocktail mixer section. Isnt this where I find the simple syrup she asked. How To Make Syrup Out Of Brown Sugar' title='How To Make Syrup Out Of Brown Sugar' />Pumpkin Spice Syrup This is a super easytomake syrup that combines the best flavors of pumpkin pie. Wonderful for pancakes, especially pumpkin pancakes.