Feeding a Large Family Healthy Meals on a Budget. By Contributing Writer Candace at Sacred Mommyhood. So what exactly constitutes healthy eating I realize that we will all define healthy eating a bit differently. Some may define it as homemade meals rather than fast food or convenience meals, and some may define eating healthy as an all raw and organic diet. Whatever your definition is, there are always ways to squeeze more healthful foods into your budget. For our family, eating healthy is fairly simple, and perhaps a little old school. It includes homemade meals, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and watching our sugar intake. We stick to the natural fats BUTTER, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil and believe that red meat, dairy, and pasta are good for you when eaten in moderation. So how do we feed our large family healthy meals on a budget Heres some of how we do it. Start with a menu plan Anyone who has already read my blog knows what a stickler I am for having a menu plan. For a family on a budget, planning your meals will help you stay on target financially and healthfully. When you place nutritious meals on your menu, and then shop accordingly, you save time and moneyand, end up with a healthy meal. This may depend upon where you live, but if you have access to a veggie co op, this is the way to go. I have found that incorporating organic fruits and veggies has been easier and more budget friendly through the co op. Usually, you can get a huge basket or box full of in season fruits and veggies for a fraction on the cost. Youre also helping to support your local farmers as well. A small caveat It is more difficult to plan a menu around a co op. You dont always know what youll get in your basket, so its hard to create a menu around it. How I handled this. I stuck with my normal menus and added what I could to my meals. I froze a lot of stuff, and gave away foods we wouldnt use. I also had to be very creative with those uncommon to us veggies so they wouldnt go to waste. If you dont have access to a co op, try to cater your menus around the seasons. You will always get the best deals on fruits and veggies when they are in season. Stock up on things that freeze well so that you save in off seasons. Make a habit of checking store ads and stock up on meat and produce when they are on sale. At my local store, chicken goes on sale often, so I stock up my freezer. When red bell peppers go on sale, I buy tons and freeze what I cant use fresh. When good apples and other fruits go on sale, thats what the kids eat for their snacks, etc. If you enjoy beef like we do, go in with with a few other families and buy a cow from a butcher. The price per pound is significantly cheaper, and you can determine the cuts of meat youd like. If you can afford to do this on your own, and have a large deep freezer, youll be stocked forever You also have the option of buying a half cow or just a quarter. Its quite the experience If not the cow, go for the case Buying meat by the case yields huge savings over the long run. We usually buy 8. Oh, its so true I couldnt make a grocery list without a menu plan, let alone get through the week. Healthy Budget Friendly Meals For A Week' title='Healthy Budget Friendly Meals For A Week' />Great tips for getting prepping for the week and being more budget friendly. Its so true that things like bringing in your own bags and buying discounted old. Cooking on a budget Dont skimp on nutrition Youll feel good about feeding your family these budgetfriendly recipestheyre creatively delectable. Save money and cut waste with our guide to cook and eat healthier on a budget. Have fun with dinner this week with quesadillas, veggie and sausage wraps and a slowcooker barbecue sandwichThe price per pound is grossly less than buying a traditional sized package. Create your own little meat co op and save big. If youre prone to buying a lot of convenience type foods, invest more time in the kitchen and make fresh at home. Not only is this better for the budget, but better for YOU. Pb&J Waffle Sandwiches. Pre packaged, convenience foods are packed with additives, preservatives, and things I cant pronounce. Just a note herewe do buy convenience foods on occasion, so dont want to give a false impression. We just try not to buy them often. If you want to eat healthy and cut back on the grocery budget, making food at home will probably make the biggest difference to the budget. Keep in mind, youre paying extra for that convenienceind coupons online that you can print out and bring to the store with you at coupons. Photo Credit. Visit the other High Five Moms to see how they feed their families at.