Coconut Macaroon Cookies Recipe Pillsbury. TM General Mills All Rights Reserved. KD-j8WY7uOReslbVlViTJXwKIBHMxmmPREn_ZelxxwPFQsKjvEgn1dFCWftAHKX95fg69nMmfbs0oFAiPCaMYhcHMNalFxEoPErkp_i=w600-l68' alt='Coconut Macaroon Cookies' title='Coconut Macaroon Cookies' />Drop mixture by packed level tablespoons onto prepared sheet cookies will not spread. Bake until lightly golden, 25 to 30 minutes. Coconut macaroon cookies recipe for coconut macaroons with vanilla and sugar and egg whites, along with coconut and a little flour. Deliciously simple cookie recipes for lovers of coconut macaroon cookies. Crunchy on the outside, chewy in the middle, a good coconut macaroon is an irresistible thing. Guacamole Recipes. Its also a particular favorite for people observing Passover and those.