Easy, Homemade, Vegan Yeast Free Flatbread I have a confession Until now, even though my heart beats faster at the mere mention of flatbread, Ive been afraid to make it myself. Its a weird thing. I have no problem making pizza dough which, once you get the hang of it, is an extremely simple task. But when it comes to flatbread, even though it requires no yeast and thus, no rising time and no baking, my brain decided it was a job far too complex for the likes of me. Recently, though, I had an intense craving. I needed thin yet pillowy, light yet doughy, simply flavored yet delectable flatbread in my mouth. I wandered around Whole Foods looking for flatbread with no luck. Prosciutto, Fig, Goat Cheese, and Arugula Flatbread with Balsamic Reduction Recipe. Pizza is a yeasted flatbread typically topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables and. Finding only tortillas and non vegan naan, I left feeling frustrated yet determined. I got home, looked up several recipes online and once I got the gist of what this endeavor would entail, I got to work. It took me a couple of batches, but just like pizza dough, once you get the hang of it, its super easy. And guess what This yeast free flatbread is way easier than pizza dough I made my dough very quickly in the food processor, fitted with the dough blade. Flatbread Pizza Dough Recipe' title='Flatbread Pizza Dough Recipe' />A stand mixer could also be used, as well as just a bowl and your hands. The dough is started with 2 cups of unbleached all purpose flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, and a teaspoon of salt. Once the dry ingredients are quickly pulsed together, water, non dairy milk, and olive oil. The dough is then mixed until a ball forms. If the dough should be soft, pliable, but not sticky. If it sticks to your finger when you touch it, add more flour by the tablespoon until you can touch the dough without it sticking to your finger. Transfer the ball of dough to a floured surface. Divide the dough in half and roll both halves into balls. Divide each of those balls in half and roll them into balls. Divide the four balls in half, creating 8 small balls of dough. Set them aside. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Make sure your surface is still well floured. Take one ball and use your fingers to flatten it into a circle. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough out into a 5 to 6 inch circle ish shape. Place the flattened dough on the prepared baking sheet and repeat with 3 more balls of dough its okay if the flattened circles slightly overlap each other. Lay another sheet of parchment paper over the circles and continue with the remaining 4 balls of dough laying them on the top sheet of paper. Heat a frying pan or griddle over medium high heat. Place one of the circles of dough in the pan and cook until bubbles begin to form and the edges begin to lift, about 1 to 2 minutes. Use tongs to quickly flip it over and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the pan and place on a plate. Cover with a clean kitchen towel to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining circles of dough. It would be a sin to not eat all of them at least one right away while it was still warm. You can spread your favorite spreads on them, dip them in your favorite dips, use it as a mini pizza crust, or fold it in half and use it to transport your favorite sandwich fixings more thoughts on that idea on Monday to your mouth. Then when theyre all gone, take a few minutes to make another batch because once you start these flatbreads, you I cant stop. Easy, Homemade, Vegan Yeast Free Flatbread. Ingredients. 2 cups unbleached all purpose flour more if necessary and for your floured surface. I used almond. 2 tablespoons olive oil. Instructions. Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor, fitted with a DOUGH BLADE or a stand mixer. Processmix until a ball forms. If you have neither a food processor or stand mixer, combine the ingredients in a large bowl. Hawaiian Dream Cake more. Use a spoon to stir until a dough forms and then use your hands to knead until it is soft and pliable. The ball of dough should be soft, pliable, but not sticky. If it is sticky, add flour by the tablespoon until it no longer sticks to your finger when touched. Transfer the ball of dough to a floured surface. Divide the dough in half and roll both halves into balls. Divide each of those balls in half and roll them into balls. Divide the four balls in half, creating 8 small balls of dough. Set them aside. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Make sure your surface is still well floured. Take one ball and use your fingers to flatten it into a circle. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough out into a 5 to 6 inch circle ish shape. Place the flattened dough on the prepared baking sheet and repeat with 3 more balls of dough its okay if the flattened circles slightly overlap each other. Lay another sheet of parchment paper over the circles and continue with the remaining 4 balls of dough laying them on the top sheet of paper. Heat a frying pan or griddle over medium high heat. Place one of the circles of dough in the pan and cook until bubbles begin to form and the edges begin to lift, about 1 to 2 minutes. Use tongs to quickly flip it over and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the pan and place on a plate. Cover with a clean kitchen towel to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining circles of dough. If they are not eaten immediately, let them cool before transferring them to an airtight container. Refrigerate for 3 to 4 days. Enjoy 3. 1. Stay tuned for the recipe for this dude, coming up on MondayThank you to everyone who entered my Decadent Gluten Free Vegan Baking giveaway last week The winner is Katie HayCongratulations, Katie Photography by Chris Miller.