Food52 Easter Discover The Best Recipes Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner, Snacks, and Desserts. Easy Coconut Macaroons. FOOD52 EASTER Food Lower East Side That Will Help. Food52 Apple Pie Discover The Best Recipes Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner, Snacks, and Desserts. FOOD52 APPLE PIE How To Cook Ribs Overnight. This salad is a favorite of the Food52 online community because it tastes like it takes much more work than it really does. Flavoring the vinegar by soaking an onion. Fennel Recipes Youll Make Over And Over Again PHOTOSYouve seen it before, in the supermarket or the farmers market its white, bulbous with green stems and has frilly dill like fronds. Its fennel Many people arent that familiar with it, because it just looks so alien. But fennel is actually a wonderful vegetable with a sweet, anise or licorice flavor thats strongest when its raw but much more mellow when its cooked. Most fennel recipes call for just the white bulb, which is typically cored and sliced or chopped, depending on the preparation. When thinly sliced, the fennel bulb is great in salads its crunchy and slightly sweet and subtly licorice like, but not as pungent as licorice root or black licorice candy. But dont toss the stalks and fronds. The stalks can be used to make stock, or chopped and sauteed with other vegetables in a mirepoix a typical French blend of onion, celery and carrot for a soup or stew. The culinary adventures of Lindsay and Taylor. Sharing delicious food and easy recipes for sweet desserts, easy dinners, creative canning, and more Whether youre hosting the party or bringing a dish to share, heres every appetizer youll ever needfrom makeaheads and onebites to apps ready in 15 minutes Cross our hearts and hope to die, these prizewinning appetizers from past Pillsbury BakeOff Contests satisfy every time. Theyre the actual best of the best. L2p7oiZOjQRft7fcqz2jn3Ky5yY=/753x502/90596017-0fde-4325-849e-cc3e50f9ee92--gardiniera_IMG_6348_food52.jpg' alt='Food52 Appetizers' title='Food52 Appetizers' />Lowmaintenance meets big flavor in these slowcooker apps that let you put party fun ahead of kitchen fuss. The fronds can be added to salads or chopped and used to garnish dishes. Want to read more from Huff. Post Taste Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr.