Fra Diavolo

Fra Diavolo

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Fra Diavolo Restaurant Lauderhill FlFra Diavolo Wikipedia. The nickname Fra Diavolo came about due to an old Itrano custom Until early in the twentieth century Itrani boys and girls who had recently recovered from serious illnesses were dressed as monks on the second Sunday after Easter, for a procession in honor of St. Francis of Paola, the patron of sick children. On one of these solemn occasions little Michele, who was apparently a handful to begin with, proved so naughty that someone called him Fra Diavolo which stuck. Early life. Edit. The notion that Pezza was born of low parentage has received wide circulation but is hardly accurate it forms part of a hostile tradition derived from French propaganda. The Pezzas had some land in olives and were also engaged in the wool trade. The family home has some interesting architectural details, which also suggests some wealth, and they were related to several of the most prominent families in Itri, such as the Ialongo and the Pennachia. Although little is known with certainty of his early life, Pezza learned to read and write, hardly a common accomplishment at the time, and further indication of some wealth in the family. A daring dash of red pepper flakes gives off a spicy heat in this marvelous tomato garlic sauce with shrimp and scallops. Stir in a bit of parsley and serve over hot. Steps 3http hIDSERP,5098. Photos 29Total Time 1 hrhttpsen. FraDiavolo hIDSERP,5124. Fra Diavolo Wikipediahttpsen. FraDiavolo hIDSERP,5117. Fra Diavolo lit. Brother Devil 7 April 177111 November 1806, is the popular name given to Michele Pezza, a famous Neapolitan guerrilla leader who resisted the. Fra diavolo means brother devila hint that this shrimp dish is spicy. Grace Parisi gives the shrimp extra flavor by first marinating it quickly in olive oil. As a young man he secured employment as a courier for the Neapolitan Royal Mail, making the 2. Terracina and Naples twice a week for 5. In 1. 79. 7, while so employed, he vied for the affections of a young woman with another young man. One night his rival and another man ambushed Pezza, intending to do him some harm. Pezza, who reportedly had a fiery temper, managed to kill both of his attackers. He took to the hills, but was soon caught. Tried, he was convicted of manslaughter, since the slaying had been committed in self defense, and on 2. Get Shrimp Fra Diavolo Recipe from Food NetworkAuthor Food Network KitchenSteps 6Difficulty Easyhttp hIDSERP,5245. Chef Johns Shrimp Fra Diavolo Recipe Allrecipes. Chef Johns recipe for spicy shrimp fra diavolo will turn your weeknight pasta or rice into a memorable meal. Steps 5http hIDSERP,5239. Photos 13Total Time 35 minshttp hIDSERP,5259. Fra Diavolos Menu Lauderhill, FLSee the great food we have on our menu. All baking is completed on premises. Fresh whole wheat pasta. Call 9547463132 or visit 5444 N University Drive. Apple Pie Recipes. Serving Coral Springs, Tamarac, Margate, and Ft. Lauderdale. Southern Italian cuisine. Open 6 nights a week. Buffet catering, live music. I use this recipe to make both Shrimp Fra Diavolo and Lobster Fra Diavolo, just substitute the shrimp with Lobster meat. We usually serve it over linguine. If you. Get Shrimp Fra Diavolo Recipe from Food NetworkAuthor Giada De LaurentiisSteps 2Difficulty Easyhttp hIDSERP,5157. Shrimp Fra Diavolo Recipe MyRecipesShrimp Fra Diavolo recipes are can often be very hot but you can add or take away the spice by adding more or less red pepper depending on your. October 1. 79. 7 he was sentenced to a tour in the army in lieu of prison. On 2. January 1. 79. Pezza was enrolled in the Reggimento di Messapi, stationed at Fondi, about a dozen miles north of Itri and perhaps a dozen south of the frontier with the Papal States. Pezza rose quickly, becoming a sergeant, probably because he was literate and, as a member of the middle class and a former Royal courier, already familiar with firearms. In November of late 1. Pezza took part in the disastrous attempt of the Neapolitan Army to oust the French from the Papal States. Fra Diavolo Laurel And HardyThe French responded quickly to the Neapolitan incursion, forcing them to retreat, and then undertook an invasion of the Kingdom of Naples. Plagued by cold and heavy rains, the Neapolitans fell back along the Appian Way. Thousands of troops deserted and many more were captured. Pezza, who was with the rear guard, was almost captured by the French, but escaped by donning peasant dress, and took to the hills above Itri. During the retreat, the Neapolitan Reggimento di Lucania fortified an old Roman villa, the Fortino di San Andrea, located about a mile north of Itri, where a pass carries the Appian Way over the Aurunci Mountains. On 2. 6 December, reinforced by some irregulars hastily recruited by Pezza, the regiment ambushed elements of the French Polish Legion, touching off a three day skirmish. Fra Diavolo' title='Fra Diavolo' />Unable to get through the easily defended defile, some French troops passed down the coast road, along the ancient Via Flacca, from Terracina to capture Sperlonga. The weather was foul, very cold with incessant rains that turned to ice. From Sperlonga, the French began working their way overland across the mountains, to outflank the Neapolitans at the old villa, and by dawn on the 2. But the French movement had been detected by Pezzas irregulars, who were patrolling the hills, and they guided the Neapolitan troops safely out of the encirclement, so that they could fall back on the great fortress of Gaeta, about 1. The French pressed on, and over the next few weeks, despite unusually cold and icy weather, overran the rest of Naples, capturing the city itself on 2. January 1. 79. 9 and proclaiming the Parthenopaean Republic. For Pezza, the most critical event of this period occurred on 3. December, when French and Polish troops captured Itri. A band of peasants from the vicinity attempted to resist, but were rapidly overcome. The invaders then shot their prisoners, plundered the town a bit, proclaimed a new age of freedom, erected a Liberty Tree, and held a ball. Resistance to French rule 1. Edit. Fra Diavolo Bands of the Holy Faith. Though many reform minded nobles and some intellectuals backed it, the French puppet regime in Naples, the Parthenopaean Republic, had little popular support. In addition, French and Polish troops acted abominably looting and rape were common. French atrocities were so blatant that their commander in Naples, General Jean tienne Championnet, was sacked by Guillaume Charles Faipoult, one of the government representatives on mission, and subsequently imprisoned. Irregular resistance had begun almost as soon as the invaders entered the country, and French atrocities only served to send more young men into the hills to join the insurgency. Attacks on French soldiers became common. The French retaliated swiftly and brutally, which only made matters worse. The experience of Itri was typical. On 1. 5 January two French soldiers were killed while patrolling the Appian Way near the town. The next day a mixed force of French and Polish troops inflicted severe reprisals on the town, looting, raping, and murdering, leaving 6. Michele Pezzas 6. Meanwhile, although in exile in Sicily, the Neapolitan government, effectively controlled by Queen Maria Carolina, wife of King Ferdinand IV of Naples, appointed Fabrizio Ruffo, a progressive government minister and one of the last laymen to hold the dignity of cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, to organize a resistance movement. On 8 February 1. 79. British and Neapolitan ships landed 5,0. Ruffos command in Calabria. This force soon expanded into an unruly army of laymen and clerics, nobles and peasants, rich and poor, men, women, and children. Dubbed la Armata cristiana della Santa Fede the Christian Army of the Holy Faith, this horde made up for its lack of training and equipment with enthusiasm, ferocity, and suicidal courage. Pezza had already organized a small band of irregulars in the northern part of the Terra di Lavoro, and soon became one of Ruffos principal subordinate commanders. His massa band quickly grew to some 4,0. Itri, such as Pasquale Maria Nofi, who served as his adjutant with the rank of lieutenant. With these men, he raided French outposts far and wide. On one occasion he slipped into heavily occupied Fondi in the guise of a priest thus becoming once again Fra Diavolo to cut down the Liberty Tree which the French had planted there, replacing it with a cross that still stands. He even harassed French forces holding Gaeta, the great fortress dominating the northwestern route into the Kingdom of Naples, ambushing supply trains he once made off with 1,4. Pezza made the Fortino di San Andrea his base of operations, and spread terror against French supporters over a wide area. He soon had a substantial price on his head. The city of Naples was liberated from the French in June, Gaeta was recaptured at the end of July by royal troops and Pezzas men, aided by the British fleet. By late September the French had largely been driven out of the kingdom, and a Neapolitan army had gone on to liberate Rome. The Neapolitan insurrection had probably cost the lives of 5. A hard, tough leader, Pezza gave no quarter. His men committed most monstrous misdeeds, torturing and murdering hundreds of prisoners of war, including a French general. He was so ferocious that for a time Cardinal Ruffo placed him under arrest for his many atrocities. Nevertheless, for his services, Pezza was made a colonel in the army, ennobled as the Duke of Cassero, granted an annual pension of 2,5. He settled down near Itri with his wife, Fortunata Rachele Di Franco, a local beauty whom he had married in July 1.

Fra Diavolo
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