Corn Oil. According to AskDrSears. How To Keep Pasta From Sticking Together. This is because it is higher in saturated fats than most. Foods highest in Monounsaturated Fat. Search by Caloric Ratio. Caloric Ratio search results are ranked and sorted by proximity to the ratio you selected. Foods with a ratio of Carbohydrates Fats Protein closest to the one selected are shown first, with a rank of 1 being the closest match. See also Caloric Ratio Pyramid. TM. Protein Complement. Rankings are determined by multiplying the rankings for each individual criterion. For example, a food ranked 1 for being highest in the first amino acid and 1. A food ranked 5 for being highest in the first amino acid and 5 for being lowest in the second would have a composite score of 2. The results are ranked according to these composite scores. Polyunsaturated Oils Increase Cancer Risk Second Opinions, UK. In 1956, a major cooking oil company published a series of magazine advertisements claiming that fried foods become light foods when vegetable oil is used in place. Crisco_Cookbook_1912.jpg?revision=1&size=bestfit&width=144&height=227' alt='Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil' title='Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil' />The Campaign to Ban Partially Hydrogenated Oils. Tiburon, California was Americas. First Trans Fat Free CityIts not the only ingredient that signifies trans fat, according to EWGs investigation. Refined oils like soybean, canola, cottonseed and corn oil, fully. Nutrient Search Foods highest in Monounsaturated Fat. Better Choices for Healthy Weight Loss The Better Choices approach predicts that foods closer to the top of. Technical Bulletin from CICR www. Cottonseed oil quality utilization and processing Partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil Iodine Value, approximately 80. Vegetable Oil Refining Vegetable Oils Refining is necessary for vegetable oils fats or animal oils fats so they can be used for cooking and frying foods. Hydrogenated fats are unnatural fats that are detrimental to your health. Food fats naturally occur in three general types Saturated e. Project Tiburon is a project of Ban. Trans. Fats. com. We worked with restaurants owners and managers in Tiburons 1. You will see stickers like the one below in restaurant windows in Tiburon Tiburon is located on the San Francisco Bay, with a terrific view of the City of San Francisco. The cooking oils used in restaurants are a major cause of the high trans fat consumption that we experience in the United States. It is not just the Mc. Donalds and the Burger Kings and other fast food restaurants. Many quality restaurants use partially hydrogenated oils too. Click here for more information about Project Tiburon. Trans fat free cities and states are spreading like wildfire Tiburon, California Americas first trans fat free city Tiburon, California was Americas first trans fat free city. Project Tiburon was conceived and completed by Ban. Trans. Fats. com in 2. We went to every restaurant and talked with the owners or managers. We assisted those that were using partially hydrogenated oils in making the switch to trans fat free oils. Click here for information. Next was New York City following Tiburons example Following the success of Project Tiburon, Ban. Trans. Fats. com worked with New York City that eventually led to the ban discussed above. For a newspaper article about how New York City used Project Tiburon as the model for its initiative, click here. Then Chicago proposed trans fat labeling by restaurants. In July 2. 00. 6, Chicago. Alderman Edward M. Burke proposed an ordinance that would ban the use of partially hydrogenated oils for cooking in Chicago restaurants. Following a hearing in July 2. Alderman Burke has asked them to act voluntarily in taking trans fats off their menus before seeking passage of legislation that would require them to do so. Another hearing was held in September 2. At that hearing, a consultant retained by the Illinois Restaurant Association sought to minimize the health risks posed by oils containing trans fat. He admitted that there was no question that the consensus of scientific opinion is that trans fat increases levels of bad cholesterol. However, he said it was murky how much of an effect that increase had on coronary heart disease and how much it raised the risk of death from the disease. The question is how much impact does that have on development of coronary heart disease, he said. And how big of a risk factor is trans fatty acids relative to the other risk factors that most people have such as obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, and drinking alcohol. The consultant retained by the Illinois Restaurant Association was trying to muddy the waters. There is nothing murky about the association between bad cholesterol and heart disease. Now Alderman Burke has drafted a new version that would require all restaurants to label products fried in partially hydrogenated oils. The label would state Consumers of this product are hereby placed on notice that this restaurant prepares foods using cooking oils that contain artificial trans fatsThe consumption of this fat increases the risk of coronary heart disease. The ordinance would take effect one year after City Council passage. Regarding a ban, Alderman Burke has said Wed like to see Chicago do it before New York. But in the interim, restaurants should be required to warn consumers. Click here and here for articles about the initiative. Click here to see the PBS Newshour segment about the initiative. Westchester County did it. Another trans fat free zone has been formed in Westchester County where 1. Click here for information. And so did Boston. Another trans fat free zone is being formed in Boston. Restaurants sign up, proposing one or more menu items that they believe will qualify as Boston Best. Bites and providing specific instructions for preparation. Brigham and Womens Hospital nutritionists analyze the menu item, calculating calories, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium content. Menu items that meet the program criteria, including the non use of partially hydrogenated oil, are awarded a Boston Best. Bites designation. When menu items fall outside the criteria, nutritionists from the Boston Public Health Commission and Brigham and Womens Hospital Department of Nutrition will work with restaurant owners and chefs to make healthy modifications to the recipe. Participating restaurants receive window decals, table tents and other promotional materials and share in advertising opportunities connected with the program. Click here for information. Then Philadephia banned it. Next, on February 1. Philadelphia banned it. Then it was banned in. Albany County, New York passed by legislature, subject to approval and regulationsThe Town of Brookline, Massachusetts. Montgomery County, Maryland. Puerto Rico King County Seattle, Washington. Its spreading like wildfire. Other cities and states across the United States are considering trans fat bans and related initiatives in the wake of the New York City regulation. There are now so many city and state initiatives that we cannot keep track of them all. Ban initiatives are also being considered in other countries. California. California bill AB8. California bill AB9. California bill AB9. California bill AB9. Mendoza passed by the California Assembly in amended form California bill SB2. Click here to seach for more California bills. Click here and here for articles about the California bills. Click here for a television news report about the California initiatives Los Angeles, California. Connecticut. Boca Raton, Florida. Miami Dade, Florida. Tamarac, Florida. Broward School District, Florida. Georgia. Illinois. Louisville, Kentucky. Maryland but click here for story about its initial rejectionBaltimore, Maryland. Massachusetts not opposed by Massachusetts Restaurant Association Boston, Massachusetts click here for an interesting article about BostonBrookline, Massachusetts. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Michigan click here for an article Oakland County, Michigan. Mississippi. New Hampshire but click here for story about its initial rejection Albany County, New York. Buffalo, New York. Nassau County, New York. New Jersey. Chatham, New Jersey. Cleveland, Ohio. Multnomah County, Oregon Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. Tennessee. Vermont. King County, Seattle, Washington. Madison, Wisconsin voluntary ban with trans fat free awards. Puerto Rico Calgary, Canada. Toronto, Canada. Waverly, Australia If you are a legislator or official interesting in discussing in a ban, please do not hesitate to contact us. We keep all such discussions highly confidential. We are advising a number of cities and towns at the present time. Click on the T shirt to find out how to get one. Canadian Government Trans Fat Task Forceput pressure on food companies to limitpartially hydrogenated oils. In November 2. 00. New Democratic Party NDP introduced a bill in the Canadian Parliament that would effectively ban trans fats. Click here to read the bill. In response to this initiative, the House of Commons by 1. Click here to read the motion and to see how each M. P. voted. As a direct result of the NDPs initiative, the Canadian Government health ministry, Health Canada, announced the formation of a task force to develop recommendations and strategies for reducing trans fats in Canadian foods to the lowest levels possible. The NDPs initiative originated with the work of Pat Martin, M. P. NDP leader, Jack Layton, M. P. introduced the motion in the House of Commons and moved the issue forward with Pat Martin. Incidentally, Ban. Trans. Fats. com provided information and support to Pat Martin. He learned about trans fat from our campaign On June 2. Task Force issued its final recommendations. The Task Force recommended.