I/91WFCoh4haL._SX522_.jpg' alt='Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies Ready To Bake' title='Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies Ready To Bake' />Commercial for Pillsburys Best chocolate chip cookies. Recorded in 1990. Simple Chocolate Chip Cookies Bake a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies with no artificial colors or preservatives with Purely Simple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix. Pillsbury Simply Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Review. Courtesy of Pillsbury. Red Lentil Dal. Tasters were divided on the texture of Pillsbury Simply chocolate chip cookies with some finding it too thin for their liking and others calling it melt in your mouth. They also couldnt agree on the flavor with some considering its richness greasy and others deeming it buttery. All tasters, however, longed for more chocolate, complaining that there were not enough chips. Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe. Lots of hands will reach for the cookie jar when these favorites are inside Keep it filled with ease, since this recipe makes a bunch.